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Healing Chronic Imbalance: The Womb + Gut Connection

Usha Anandi. 17 | JUNE | 2019

In last week’s post, I explored the ancient steaming ritual for balance, vitality, and radiance. Don’t worry love – if you didn’t catch my blog about yoni steams, you can still access all the steamy goodness here.

Self-care rituals and localized, focused vaginal treatments are great. But what happens when you find yourself dealing with the SAME state of imbalance, over and over again?

Yeah, I’m talking yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, embarrassing odor, dryness, itchiness, and all the challenges we often shy away from speaking about.

Well, it’s time to smash through the stigma. Let’s open the conversation.

I’m here to tell you – although over one-third of women will experience these states of imbalance in their lifetime, it doesn’t have to be the new normal. You don’t have to spend your life mitigating the uncomfortable and even embarrassing symptoms.

I want to help you heal the root cause of the imbalance, instead of just the symptoms.

The truth is, external rituals can only go so far. They support on the path to healing but often need other dietary, herbal, and even lifestyle support to truly shift a deep, chronic pattern of imbalance. If we want to make a lasting, sustainable change in the body, we have to look inside.

The vagina is a living ecosystem that relies on the support of many different types of bacteria not only to survive but THRIVE. Just like our external environment, the health of our inner environment is influenced by the intricate connection to all other systems.

What if we saw chronic states of vaginal imbalance for what they truly are – a symptom of a deeper state of disharmony. When we trace chronic vaginal imbalance back to its source, we almost always arrive at one place – the gut.

Yes, that’s right – your chronic vaginal imbalance might actually be a symptom of a root cause of an issue that lies within your gastrointestinal tract.

Our ‘developing’ world is obsessed with cleanliness – we do everything we can to fight the spread of germs through the use of products like anti-bacterial soap, spray, and especially antibiotics.

Not all bacteria are bad – actually, just the contrary. According to the National Institutes of Health, out of 100 trillion cells in the human body, only one in 10 of those cells is actually human. The rest are bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. Chronic imbalance happens when low levels of beneficial bacteria allow for overgrowth of harmful organisms.

Although we’re often taught the contrary, the truth is – we NEED bacteria not only to survive we need it to thrive.

From the time we are born, bacterial ‘seeds’ are released from our Mother’s vaginal wall and absorbed into the skin to eventually plant themselves in the gastrointestinal tract to ‘colonize’ the internal system. These bacterial seeds are nourished by the fresh breast milk, which is specially formulated to grow specific bacteria and disease-fighting antibodies.

Instead of seeing the body, mind, and spirit as a WHOLE entity, the modern medical system often sees it (and treats it) as separate entities. These days, everyone is searching for a ‘quick fix’, which often leads to a prescription to one most overused medicines available – antibiotics.

I’ve worked with hundreds and hundreds of women who come to our trainings and intensives after receiving treatment for their imbalance with round after round of antibiotics.

Although antibiotic treatment for yeast and bacterial vaginosis are sometimes necessary (for example if you’re pregnant or suffering from lower abdominal pain), they’re not always the answer. In fact, a recent study conducted by the CDC shares that over 30% of antibiotics are prescribed to patients unnecessarily.

Yes, that means that over 30% of people taking antibiotics, don’t actually need them.

Here’s the thing about antibiotics.

Antibiotics work rapidly. They not only lower levels of harmful bacteria that cause imbalance, but they also kill the beneficial bacterial along the way, leaving the body vulnerable to recurrent infection after finishing a round of treatment.

Listen to me – your body has a language. If we don’t learn to listen to it’s whispers, we will soon hear it’s screams.

Chronic vaginal imbalance is the body’s way of communicating, something deeper is going on.

The truth is, if you want to transform states of imbalance in the body, it takes an entire overhaul of the patriarchal ways of living that disempower and disconnect us from the natural, cyclical, and feminine ways of living.

I know you know there’s another way, and that’s why you’re here.

I am
PASSIONATE (if you can’t tell already) about supporting you with the education you deserve to learn the language of your body.

I’ve decided to tackle this issue head-on by doing what I do best, talking and interacting with YOU!

Start your womb health reclamation journey by downloading my FREE Beginner’s Guide to Womb Wisdom.

I want you to learn how to heal through chronic states of balance, track the gut-womb connection, and become a master of your inner experience.

And because I want to support you in healing chronic imbalance, reclaiming a feminine way of living, and finally kicking patriarchal patterns to the curb… here’s a few (there are hundreds more!) helpful tips to begin your journey of healing chronic imbalance.

1. Take a quality probiotic

Whether we’ve taken internal antibiotics or not, most of us exist today with compromised bacterial gut flora. From the increasing popularity of cesarean birth to the use of hormonal contraceptives, the gut flora pay the price for the ‘progress’ of our industrialized world.

I recommend a quality probiotic to EVERYONE, but especially those who are searching for relief from chronic bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections. When looking for a probiotic, important to search for strands of lactobacillus that both support the health of the vaginal wall and fight harmful bacteria overgrowth.

Look for strains of lactobacillus reuteri, bifital bacteria, and Saccharomyces boulaardii to support your body in balancing both the gut and the vagina – at once!

2. Mitigate and lessen stress

High cortisol levels directly affect the health of our immune system by suppressing its function. A balanced, juicy, and happy vagina is accessible only in a state of thrival (I’ll say it again!). Thrival in our modern world means a nervous system that is fully responsive, integrative, and able to process and intelligently decipher real danger.

Decreasing levels of stress is imperative to increasing quality of life, balancing hormones, and encouraging surrender to the divine current that is this crazy, insane life. In our Womb Sciences immersion, I teach two specific meditation practices carefully crafted to support you in recalibrating your nervous system.

3. Lower sugar intake

High blood sugar feeds the growth of unhealthy bacteria. Keeping your blood sugar stable through eating regular meals and eating at least 6 servings of vegetables a day is so important for healing chronic yeast and bacterial vaginosis.

My intention in sharing this information is for you to feel EMPOWERED with the tools to heal yourself. Although we have to take responsibility for our health, we’re not meant to do this work alone.

These are health challenges that over one-third of women world wide struggle with, so let’s work together to smash the stigma and remember – we DON’T have to suffer any longer.

Click below to dive deeper into this information and download my FREE Beginner’s Guide to Womb Wisdom.

I know what it’s like to feel disconnected, numb, and frustrated by your body. But I declare that this isn’t actually who you are, but rather a symptom of the sickness of the system you’re prescribed to.

There’s another way – one that feels more human, more intuitive, one that just feels right.

Are you in?

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