My Top 3 Nutrients for a Healthy Pregnancy and beyond

Usha Anandi. 07 | SEPTEMBER | 2021

Most nutrition protocols for pregnancy focus on keeping the baby healthy.

Rather than see the Mother and baby’s wellness as separate, I see the long-term vitality of the baby inherently connected to the wellness of the Mother.

If the Mother is depleted before, during, or after pregnancy – the baby is likely depleted as well.

To truly nourish both Mother and baby, we must revive and respect the traditions that reach far beyond the constructs of current diet culture or dogma.

During my pregnancy, I had to weed through my own internalized beliefs that in order to see myself as good, responsible, or spiritual, I needed to eat in alignment with current diet fads.

With the intention of supporting others in deconstructing the same limiting beliefs, here I am in my third trimester. A bit breathless due to my blossoming belly, I share my top three nutrients for a healthy pregnancy in the video below.

Share far and wide, whether you’re pregnancy, planning to get pregnant, or love someone who is.

And remember, whole body health is about much more than just the food we eat.

For Mothers and their babies to be healthy, the entire community needs to be actively involved.

As a full-spectrum doula, I’m passionate about sharing tangible, practical ways loved ones can support during pregnancy and postpartum.


It is glaringly obvious to me that the world we live in was not created to support Mothers or facilitate the continuation of life.

After working with hundreds of Mothers and babies, and especially after becoming a Mother myself, I can confidently say…

Supporting Mothers IS supporting babies.

If the current structure of society doesn’t supply the cultural framework needed to support Mothers, babies, and their families…

Then we need to create it ourselves.

To do this, we need beacons of ferocity, grace, and courage who are willing to advocate for the Mothers throughout the rite of passage that is conception, pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

To do this, theory and knowledge isn’t enough.

We need tangible spaces where Mothers can gather and feel seen, heard, and held in what they’re going through.

That’s where you come in.

Our Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training is a comprehensive program that empowers you with the wisdom and practical, tangible tools to create ripples of REAL change in the lives of Mothers, babies, and their families.

The next generation will be born from this generation of Mothers.

I have never been more sure that this work is essential for our survival.

And that’s why our FIRST LIVE TRAINING in over two years will be dedicated to supporting Mothers through Prenatal Yoga in 2022.

Spots are expected to fill quickly, to be one of the first to gain access to register, reserve your spot on the waitlist below.