Are You A Cycle Breaker?

Usha Anandi. 12 | JANUARY | 2024

I remember when I was teaching Ancestral Healing at one of our Womben Wellness trainings in Mexico.

I asked a room full of 22 women:

“Do you see any similarities between what your Mother believed about her body, what you learned from her, and the relationship you have with your body now?”

All hands went up in the air as a resounding ‘YES’.

I believe that the most important place to start as a cycle breaker in your family is by looking at our ancestral lineage. Because these stories we carry in our wombs aren’t just our own.

They’re your ancestors. Their experiences – both their triumphs and traumas – impact your life and how you live it today.

I grew up in an Irish Catholic family where the women were expected to sacrifice everything for their family…

So my grandma, who had 7 kids, was a martyr…

And following in her footsteps, my mom became one too…

Women who constantly prioritize other people until they get sick, until they get tired, until they make themselves ill…

No surprise that there was a huge amount of resentment — because being a mom in this world is one of the hardest, most under-supported paths.

And in my own body, that manifested as a huge amount of tension in the womb and the throat.

I’m not the only one impacted by my ancestral story…

On my own healing journey and in the work I do with womben of all backgrounds, I’ve been astonished by the connection between what arises in our own bodies and the similarities to what our ancestors have experienced themselves.

Before I go any further, turn over these questions briefly in your mind…

◉ What is/was your Mother’s relationship with her body, womb, menstrual cycle, and sexuality? (If you don’t know or don’t have a relationship with your Mother, pick another important female role model in your life)

◉ What are the things you learned from your Mother or other role model about femininity, menstruation, sexuality, and life as a woman?

◉ What is your relationship to your menstrual cycle, sexuality, creativity, and overall experience of being a woman?

How many of your answers reminded you of your mother’s, grandmother’s or female parenting figure’s experiences? Are you starting to see the patterns?

It’s undeniable: Our bodies hold the residue of both our own life experience and the experience of our lineage.

These stories are passed down from generation to generation until someone, like you, has the courage, time and tools to reprogram them.

That’s what it means to be a cycle breaker.

So if you…

◉ Feel inherited guilt, shame, and fear in your womb but know you have the power within you to change it

◉ Have a past that’s not-so-pretty but refuse to accept the same lifestyle for yourself

◉ Are truly ready to leave the past behind so that you can build a deeper relationship with your body

Tap the button to learn more about my 6-Week Womb Sciences Immersion, and release the stories held in your womb as you reclaim the power of your womb.

You see…

We each spend 5 months in our grandmother’s womb, because our cellular life begins as an egg in the womb of your Mother when she was gestating inside your grandmother’s womb.

All the eggs we will ever carry form in our ovaries when we are four months old inside of the womb of our mother…

So of COURSE we are impacted by our ancestor’s triumphs AND their trauma.

This might sound woo-woo, but science backs me up here, also.

In a famous study done in Zurich, researchers took female mice and purposefully stressed them. What they found was that the female mice who were traumatized, their offspring were behaviorally and physiologically impacted for 5 GENERATIONS.

If you’re here today struggling with womb health challenges, I’m willing to bet that they haven’t just developed from you and your lifetime…

But are a response to the unprocessed experiences that you inherited from your ancestors.

Today, you have the opportunity to liberate yourself. Not only for you, but for your mother, your grandmother, your great grandmother… and all the women in your lineage who unfortunately didn’t have the resources, financial ability, physical support, or even the option to do this work.

Unintegrated stories in our lineage will keep playing out in our lives again and again until someone has the space, the resources, the support, and the tools to heal them.

That could be YOU.

I want to name how much work it takes to be the one in your family who heals your lineage: the cycle breaker.

Sometimes that can feel really heavy. But you don’t have to just carry this heaviness around.

You can learn how to walk forward with the BLESSINGS from your ancestors too.

Epigenetics proves that what we eat, who we interact with, what activities we fill our days with, how we move our bodies, our challenges, our triumphs, our sleep habits, our intimate relationships, and overall lifestyle have the ability to either TURN ON specific genes or SILENCE them.

Previously it was thought that if heart disease runs in your family for example, you yourself were destined to get it as well. Epigentics shows us the contrary.

You hold the true power to shape your destiny based on the choices you make right now.

That’s the true power of being a cycle breaker.

How Reconnecting with Your Lineage Can Set You Free

If we want to heal our wombs, we have to be willing to look at our ancestral lineage.

Some call it ancestral healing, others call it healing ancestral trauma.

No matter what environment you come from, you have the power to heal, not only for yourself but for all those who walked before you, too.

But being the cycle breaker doesn’t feel easy.

Sometimes I wonder, “Why have I been chosen for this!?”

But you don’t just have to carry that heaviness around.

Yes, you inherited some things that aren’t too easy to sit with, or easy to stomach.

But you also inherited blessings.

Ancestral healing is about much more than learning how to reverse or transform unhealthy patterns in your lineage.

It’s also about learning ways to reconnect, honor, and cultivate gratitude for what your ancestors have given you.

And it’s your birthright to connect with and receive everything they’ve so lovingly passed down to you.

Can You Break The Family Cycle?

Healing your ancestors is something that doesn’t need to be done alone.

If you’re ready to start healing your relationship to your body, your womb, and your ancestors, then I have something made just for you.

In my signature course, Womb Sciences, you get access to 16-hours of pre-recorded content on topics like ancestral healing, anatomy of your female pelvis, living your life according to your cycle, healing your nervous system through pleasure, and so much more…

Do you believe you can become the cycle breaker for your lineage and set yourself free?

If it’s a full-belly YES, I’ve got a spot with your name on it inside my 6-Week Online Womb Sciences Immersion.

Click the button below to claim it.