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Natural Options for Endometriosis

Usha Anandi. 23 | FEBRUARY | 2021

After years of digestive issues and excruciatingly painful periods, Heather took to the internet to find the possible cause of her symptoms.

When she saw the word “endometriosis”, something felt right. She called her primary care physician and waited hopefully.

But Heather would have to wait much longer than expected.

A brief and unhelpful appointment with her primary care provider led to a referral to a gynecologist.

After suggesting that her debilitating period pain was “all in her head”, her gyno recommended laparoscopy to look for lesions associated with endometriosis. At the end of the appointment, hysterectomy was nonchalantly thrown in as another treatment option.

Heather left the office with a prescription for stronger pain medication and a heavy heart.

She was 27 years old.

Would she have to live with this debilitating pain for the rest of her life? Would she lose her uterus to a physical dis-ease she barely understood?

As a last resort, Heather contacted me.

By the time she sent me a message, she was mentally and financially exhausted. Feeling betrayed by her body and the allopathic medical system, Heather was ready to explore another way.

After working with hundreds of other clients like Heather with endometriosis, I’ve fine tuned my set of natural tools to see what really works.

In my Breathing, Bleeding, Being Online Menstrual Reclamation Course, I break it down for you.

Using diet, lifestyle, herbal wisdom, and specific exercise aligned with the menstrual cycle, this results-based course gives you real tools to start healing your relationship with your womb.

We’ve been getting requests for specific content around endometriosis for years now.

When I started writing this blog, I was hesitant – not because I don’t want to talk about this condition, but rather because I want to help those who suffer with endometriosis gain access to the revolutionary resources they DESERVE.

Unfortunately, so little research has been done into endometriosis that we still don’t have too many answers.

But while we’re unable to pinpoint the exact cause of endo, slowly but surely we’re figuring out natural and effective ways to mitigate pain, heal lesions, and even reverse it.

Endometriosis is a complex condition that affects 1 out of 10 women in their reproductive years. That’s over 170 million women worldwide.

Symptoms include painful periods, digestive problems, painful bowel movements, diarrhea and constipation, nausea and vomiting during menstruation, sharp pain during ovulation, pain while urinating, and other urinary issues.

And while endometriosis is a complex condition to treat, I want you to know that natural options that can help DO exist.

Bottom line, I support you and celebrate you in making a choice for your body that feels right and allows you to live a pain-free life.

But before you make a life-altering decision like opting for a hysterectomy, I want to give you access to the whole picture, and present to you some natural options.

Before we dive into natural options for endometriosis, watch the video below to understand what endometriosis is and the possible causes.

Allopathic Treatment

While conventional treatments for endometriosis may offer relief for some, the results don’t always last.

In fact, 20 – 30% of patients who receive laparoscopy find that their symptoms return within 5 years.

And while hysterectomies may make the Doctor or hospital a boat load of money (in 2009, the cost for a laparoscopic hysterectomy was $38,312 in the U.S.), it’s not an option for everyone, especially those wishing to conceive.

Even a total hysterectomy where the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries are removed results in a recurrence of pain and symptoms in 15% of patients.

Many of the women who I’ve worked with are told by their providers that allopathic treatment is the only option for endometriosis treatment. And while this route may offer life-changing relief for some, many find their pain and symptoms return even after spending thousands of dollars on treatment.

Whatever path you choose, know that you are supported and celebrated either way. But before you opt for life-altering surgery, perhaps consider giving the tips below a try.

Natural Options for Endometriosis

1. Regular sleep + supplementation with melatonin

Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that’s mostly sourced from the pineal gland in the brain. When the lights go off, melatonin is released, which is why it’s called the “hormone of darkness”.

While many people know about melatonin’s ability to promote quality rest and sleep, most remain clueless to melatonin’s extraordinary ability to detoxify the body from excess estrogen and soothe inflammation, which in turn improves symptoms of endometriosis.

A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study of forty women from ages 18 to 45 found 10 mg of melatonin a day resulted in…

An 80% reduction in the need for pain medication, including NSAIDS and even narcotics.

  • Reduction in pelvic pain during menses
  • Reduction in chronic pelvic pain
  • Reduction in pain during urination and sex

Starting with the 10 mg dose a day might make you really sleepy, so work your way up to it. With my clients, I recommend starting with a 2 – 5 mg a day and over a period of a month working up to 10 mg. Make sure to always take your melatonin in the evening to avoid daytime drowsiness.

On top of supplementation, support your body in naturally producing and secreting melatonin with the following tools…

  • Turning off electronic devices that emit artificial light after the sun goes down. Intake of artificial light sends a message to our brain that it’s still daytime, and stops the natural secretion of melatonin. If you do have to work at night, consider getting a blue light shield for your phone, and download the program f.lux for your computer.
  • Go to sleep by 10 pm. Most of the people I work with are overstressed and under rested. The best sleep is the sleep you get before midnight, and if you make rest a priority, your endometriosis symptoms may thank you.
  • Eat foods high in naturally occurring melatonin like tart cherries, goji berries, eggs, fish, pistachios, and almonds.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric has been used in ancient Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, and has recently become popular in the West for its anti-inflammatory properties.

One of the active medicinal components in turmeric, curcumin, has proven to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in patients with endometriosis. In addition, curcumin acts directly on endometrial lesions to stop the growth of endometrial tissue and creation of new lesions.

The medicinal properties of turmeric are best absorbed when taken with black pepper and a healthy type of fat like coconut oil, ghee, or cow’s or coconut milk.

I recommend a dose of 1000 mg of turmeric a day, which can be blended into a smoothie, made in a drink, eaten with food, or taken by capsules. Avoid taking turmeric if you’re on blood thinners (including asprin) or medication that reduces acid reflux.

Don’t forget to add in black pepper – around 30 mg of black pepper (one or two pinches) to aid in absorption.

Treatment Options

For best results, combine melatonin and turmeric treatment to support your body in getting the relief it deserves.

For more practical and research-based tips to mitigate symptoms of endometriosis and heal naturally, check out our Breathing, Bleeding, Being Online Menstrual Reclamation Course.

This course gives you the scientific + spiritual wisdom to reclaim the power of your menstrual cycle and access the pain-free that is your birthright.

Our mission at Womben Wellness is to alchemize the science + the sacred to bring you revolutionary womb health resources that work. We are committed to providing in-depth resources based on the inherent and proven wisdom of ancient practices, clinical experience, and up-to-date research.

The information we provide in our blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

My Story of Hormonal Imbalance

I spent years of my young adult life struggling with my health. My body sent me so many signs to let me know something was wrong, but they were written in a language I didn’t yet understand. But I don't want that for you.

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