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Sex On Your Period

Usha Anandi. 20 | January | 2024

Most people can be divided into two categories: those who love period sex and those who hate it.

But just in case you’re in the gray area or are curious to change sides… I address what to consider for sex on your period in this blog for you (video below if you wanna watch instead).

Learning how to honor ourselves when we’re menstruating is vital to our overall health.

Why? Because if we don’t care for ourselves during our periods, we likely won’t have energy for the rest of our cycle.

If you’re ready to join me on the other side where you too can begin to see your menstrual cycle as the blue-print for how to unlock an untapped level of intuition, power, and potential…

I invite you to join my 6-Week Online Womb Sciences Immersion. This is the menstruation education you never received.

Sign up before February 1st and get $100 off the 16-hours of pre-recorded course content and 3 live gatherings.

And now, onto the topic of period sex.

If you’ve ever wondered why you feel hornier while menstruating…

Or whether having unprotected period sex with a partner with a penis is actually an effective way to prevent unwanted pregnancy….

Watch the video below to find out.

In this video, I do my best to lay out the pros and cons of period sex in an unbiased way.

Drawing from science and sacred, ancient practices as sources, I give you the pros and cons listed below. Keep reading to hear whether I personally engage in period sex or not.

For clarity purposes, when I say “period sex” I’m talking about penetrative period sex with a man/person with a penis.

Pros of Period Sex

1. Increased lubrication

Quite obviously, blood equals more lubricating fluid, which may make penetrative sex more comfortable.

2. Protection from unwanted pregnancy

According to fertility science, the first three days of your period are considered infertile days, which means you can have penis and vagina action without any worry of unwanted pregnancy.

After the first three days of your period, estrogen levels start to rise again, which means ovulation (and the possibility of pregnancy) may be near. Note that if you have a short cycle (say 22 days), I would only have unprotected sex on the first day of your period since you’re going to be ovulating soon afterward your period ends.

Tracking your own cycle and listening to your own body is the only sure way to time unprotected period sex right. Sperm can stay alive inside the vagina for 3 – 5 days, so if you want to prevent unwanted pregnancy, it’s best to play it safe and use your contraceptive method of choice after the first three days of your period.

“But what about womben who have gotten pregnant during unprotected period sex?”I can already hear the skeptics from the stands. Let’s clear something up right now: you cannot get pregnant on your period. Period!

Womben who have conceived after period sex conceive because they’re ovulating soon afterwards and the sperm has stayed alive inside of the uterus to make conception possible. Pregnancy can only happen if ovulation has happened.

Let me make it crystal clear: it’s impossible to get pregnant ON your period. You can, however, get pregnant if have unprotected period sex on the last days of your period and ovulate soon afterwards.

3. Increased feelings of openness and possible rise in libido

Interestingly enough, researchers don’t have a scientific explanation for the rise in libido many women report during their periods.

But after working with thousands of womben from all over the world, I have a hunch. When we’re menstruating, we are the most energetically open phase in our entire menstrual cycle.

When having sex with the right partner, our heightened sensitivity and emotional rawness can lead to deeply spiritual and powerful orgasmic openings through sex.

Cons of Period Sex

1. Contradicts the purpose of menstrual blood

Despite what the patriarchy has programmed us to believe, menstrual blood is not dirty, smelly, or shameful. It’s medicine. And by that, I mean it’s antimicrobial and antibacterial.

One of the benefits of a menstrual bleed is that it cleanses foreign bacteria and microbes brought in by foreign objects like fingers, tongues, penises, and vaginas. When we have sex on our period, we are disrupting the cleansing process of menstrual blood.

2. Disrupts the natural downward detoxifying energy of menstruation.

According to the ancient Eastern sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda, the sole focus of our body during our period is detoxification. Due to the dominance of apana prana or apana vayu, our body is able to release emotions, energy, and physical toxins that have been stored in our body. When we start to play with our sexual energy through orgasm, our energy moves upwards, which directly opposes the downward moving energy of our periods.

You might be thinking; “Okay Usha, but what’s the big deal?”

When we disrupt apana vayu, this can leave us feeling ungrounded, constipated, unable to let go of emotions, may contribute to irregular cycles, and may leave us with a feeling of withholding blood and not fully releasing when we bleed due to an accumulation of vata energy.

My personal take on period sex…


Before I could make a shame-free decision about my period, I had to work through my internal programming around my menstrual cycle.

Growing up in an Irish Catholic home, I was taught to wrap my tampons and pads super tightly in toilet paper so no one could see. I even spent years strategically placing my used menstrual products in the trash can so no one would see them.

Although my mother was menstruating throughout my youth, I never once saw her blood, nor was it ever mentioned she was on her period.

This translated to me as: never let anyone know you’re menstruating, especially someone who you want to see you as desirable.

Through years of womb work and integrating my shame, I was able to go from hiding my period to openly celebrating it (I even posted a video of my menstrual blood on my Instagram here).

Now that I’ve integrated my inherited programming, I can be more sure that my answer to the question “Do you have sex on your period?” is free of shame.

My answer to the question? No.

My period is my favorite part of the month. It’s a time when I take no shortcuts to care for myself. I even save for a “period care fund” every month, which helps me plan for extra costs like ordering takeout so I don’t have to spend energy cooking while I’m tired and want to rest.

As a business owner, a mother to a toddler, and an Enneagram 2, I spend every single day of my month with a lot of attention focused on meeting other people’s needs. My period is a time for me to go within, release, and recalibrate.

Now you know the pros and cons of period sex from a Womben Wellness perspective.

The real question is, what feels right for you?

Patriarchal and inherited programming aside, what feels good in your body?

And no matter what you choose, remember that you have the power to turn that which you’ve been taught is unholy, shameful, or unacceptable into something sacred.

Reclaiming that which we believe to be taboo is an essential part of reclaiming our womb health.

After all, how can we fix menstrual issues if we’re not even allowing ourselves to speak about them?

If you want to learn how to care for yourself throughout your menstrual cycle and align your mindset, diet, lifestyle, and exercise with your cycle…. I have a course for you!

⚠️ AND you can get started for just $99 ⚠️ Learn more here.

You’re in the right place if you…If you’re ready to learn more about your sensual anatomy, tune into your sexuality, and harness your erotic power, I created something for you.

In my signature course, the 6-Week Womb Sciences Immersion, you get access to 16-hours of pre-recorded content on topics like anatomy of your female pelvis, ancestral healing, living your life according to your cycle, healing your nervous system through pleasure, and more.

Join us before February 1st and get $100 off PLUS access to 3 live gatherings exclusive to students of Womb Sciences.

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