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The Menstrual Cycle and Moon Connection: Answering Your Most Common Questions

Usha Anandi. 19 | MARCH | 2024

Ever wonder why in certain phases of your life you get your period on the new moon…

And at other times your period comes on the full moon?

In this blog, I’ll break it all down for you PLUS answer the most common questions we receive about the menstrual cycle and new moon connection.

If you love honoring the moon cycles and connecting with your womb, check out these 3 womb healing rituals for the new moon.

If you’re just here to figure out what it means to get your period on the new moon vs. full moon or vice versa, scroll all the way down to the bottom! But for womb nerds like me who want to know the EVIDENCE behind the moon + menstrual cycle connection, keep reading on…

Why does the moon influence the menstrual cycle?

A famous study in 1986 tested 826 women and found that 28.3 percent started their period around the new moon.

But still, there’s no consensus in the scientific community as to whether or not there is a connection, though… Read on for my reasoning and decide for yourself.

The human species evolved to follow a daily cycle of periods of high light exposure (thank you sun!) and periods of darkness with minimal light (hello moon!).

Light is one of the most powerful stimulants for the brain, signaling to the hypothalamus and the pineal gland, two endocrine glands in the brain, that it’s time to be awake.

We haven’t lived long enough with electricity or electronic devices for our brain to tell the difference, so whether it’s natural light from the moon or artificial light from your phone, the brain is signaled to stay awake. When this happens our 24-hour rhythm of sleep and awake time (called the circadian rhythm) may become disrupted.

The circadian rhythm (24-hour sleep/wake cycle) is shared by both those who menstruate and those who do not. A second biological clock, however, is reserved for those who menstruate only (lucky us!) and is called the infradian rhythm.

This consists of four distinct phases of your menstrual cycle (menstruation, follicular, ovulatory, and premenstrual phases), we experience unique hormonal changes, physical shifts, and energetic changes during each phase.

When our circadian rhythm is altered by the stimulus of light (whether it’s from our phone or three days of super bright moonlight), our infradian rhythm (our menstrual cycle) is impacted.

So while the menstrual cycle and moon connection may feel magical and mystical, and it absolutely is, there is scientific evidence to explain this incredible connection.

But there are also some naysayers… a study conducted in 2019 by the period tracking app Clue, which pulled data from its 1.5 million users, found that there was no direct link between the moon and the onset of menstruation.

Here’s my unproven hypothesis as to why these numbers tell different tales…

The prevalence of hand-held and in-home technology that emits rays of artificial light, which we’ve learned alters our hormones much like natural light, was much less common in 1987 than 2019.

Perhaps this is why the numbers are so different… Have you found any correlation between the moon and your menstrual cycle? What do you think?

How can I sync my period to the moon?

I answer this question with a question… why do you want to? Although I deeply believe that getting your period on a certain phase of the moon may have a deeper spiritual meaning, there is no evidence that getting your period on a certain moon phase is better than the other…

A healthy recommendation for anyone though, would be to limit sources of artificial light (turn that dang phone OFF!) at least 2 hours before going to bed OR after sundown so that your brain is only impacted by the natural rhythm of the moon.

Is it better to get my period on the new moon or the full moon?

Out of the three questions I’ve answered here, this is the question I receive the most. My answer is always the same, there is no better or worse… there is only information. If you get your period on the new moon, that may mean something about your life and your current direction… And if you get your period on the full moon, it may mean something else!

Keep reading below to find out.

At Womben Wellness, we alchemize science AND the sacred, so while we’ve cited a few science-backed studies above, keep in mind that everything shared below is purely spiritual and sacred… and just because there aren’t scientific studies to ‘prove’ it (yet!) doesn’t mean that the magical isn’t real…

As you read the descriptions below, I invite you to ask yourself, does this feel like Truth for me? Listen close to what comes up for you in your body as you read about new moon periods and full moon periods below.

Your New Moon Period

Menstruating on the new moon means that you’re ovulating around the time of the full moon.

When the moon is at Her darkest point in the sky, you too are in the darkness of your own inner winter as you experience your menstrual phase.

When the moon is at Her brightest, you too are glowing, juicy and ripe with fertility as you may be ovulating (note that not all womben ovulate on day 14, so please do NOT use the moon as a method of tracking your cycle for contraception).

One who menstruates with this rhythm is deeply in tune with the rhythm of the earth (most plants follow this same fertility cycle), and perhaps even calling in the conception of a human child.

This moon cycle phase shares with us the wisdom of focusing on our inner circle, the wellness of ourselves, our families, our living spaces, and our close-knit communities.

Interestingly enough, this is the cycle I was bleeding on when I conceived my daughter. For me, this cycle brings about an immense amount of peace as my own hormonal and energetic fluctuations attune with the fluctuations of the world around me.

Your First Quarter & Waxing Moon Period

The first quarter to the waxing moon phase symbolizes growth, building up, and manifestation. This phase occurs after the new moon and before the full moon, representing a time of action, commitment, and decision-making.

Menstruating on the waxing moon means you are fertile around the time of the waning moon.

One who menstruates with this rhythm is being called toward new experiences and discoveries.

Remember those intentions you set during the new moon? You may already feel them stirring as the moon begins to fill. The waxing moon may inspire mental creativity and curiosity — but don’t feel pressured to begin just yet.

While you rest, you may feel drawn toward exploring your inner world through journaling and meditation…

Or you may find an itch to explore outer worlds through books, travel-themed Netflix shows, or even to dig into your roots by connecting to your ancestors through rituals.

Let this lunar phase inspire action and courage in your endeavors.

Your Full Moon Period

Menstruating on the full moon means you are fertile around the time of the new moon.

When the moon is at Her fullest point in the sky, you are searching the depths of your darkness in your own inner winter (menstruation). When the moon is at Her darkest point in the sky, you are shining a radiant light into the world that you, and others, use to see.

One who menstruates with this rhythm is courageously dancing to the beat of her own inner drum, following the guidance from within rather than the world outside.

They are focused on the transformation of the collective and service to the world, bravely shining their fertile, bright, ovulating light during times of darkness for others.

Holding a torch into the dark night so that others may see, those who menstruate on this cycle are focusing their current efforts on evolution, revolution, and expansion.

When I first started Womben Wellness, I bled on this cycle for 5 years.

It was a highly potent, and occasionally exhausting time.

When I was menstruating, the moon would be full, which invited me to stay awake, aware, and present with my own darkness…

This cycle forced me to do the work to unearth the fertility of my own unconscious… and all the limiting beliefs about myself, the world, and others that lived within it.

Although it was deeply powerful, it wasn’t always fun, and offered me many lessons that I am still digesting today.

Your Last Quarter & Waning Moon Period

As the moon wanes, She sets the stage for release, reflection, and preparation for renewal.

Menstruating on the waning moon (or having a last quarter moon period) means you are fertile around the time of the waxing moon.

One who menstruates with this period is being called to make space for inner work, forgiveness, and clearing the way for rebirth.

The waning moon phase comes after the full moon, whose light shines into every corner of our lives and illuminates all shadows. The waning moon signals a time to let go of what you now know is no longer serving you, making room for the new cycle to come.

With gratitude for the past cycle, you may feel the desire to spend time in reflection on the challenges or obstacles you’ve faced. Write them down and, if possible, make time for a ritual burning to symbolically release weighing you down.

If you are visited by your period during the quarter moon phase, you may feel especially receptive to feedback from the universe. Use that openness to your advantage as an opportunity to gain clarity as you rest. Ensure you’re giving your body the nourishment it needs to rejuvenate for the next cycle.

Whether you bleed on the full moon or the new moon (or maybe somewhere in between)…

Let us remember that there is no “right” or “wrong” way to menstruate…

Just a celebration of the messages that our bodies send us, and the connection between our wombs and the rhythm of all things!

If you’re like me, you learned nothing about your period in school…

And missed out on valuable guidance from elders.

But it’s not too late to change the way you experience your period. Imagine a world where you actually looked forward to your cycle and celebrated the superpowers that came with having one…

The missing link? Education about your cycle in a practical way that alchemizes both science and the sacred.

In my Free Power of The Period Workshop, I break down the four phases of the menstrual cycle and teach you about the spiritual, energetic, and physical changes that take place throughout the month so you can live and plan your life according to your innate feminine rhythm.

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