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How 2020 Pushed Us to Our Limits

Usha Anandi. 23 | DECEMBER | 2020

In January, I listened to an astrology podcast that spoke in detail about the tidal wave of change and transformation that 2020 was going to usher in.

While listening, I stupidly thought to myself, “bring it on”….

Let’s just say, I LEARNED MY LESSON. I think it’s safe to say I’ll never challenge the Universe like that again.

The last 365 days pushed us to our limits.

It was the year I moved back to the United States after more than five years abroad. The year that we majorly upleveled and pivoted our business, and the year that I became pregnant with my first child.

2020 tested our faith, our team, and our vision – it stretched us, changed us, and made us stronger. And I’m proud to be writing this today after a year of experiencing some huge wins thanks to you and our amazing team, and also just to exist.

If all you’ve done this year survive, that’s more than enough. It was hard. But we got through it together, and I’m so grateful that you’re here with us, reading this right now.

I know that if I didn’t have the support of our amazing team, Womben Wellness wouldn’t have survived.

Before I formed my business partnership with our Co-Director Camille, we focused entirely on in-person events and trainings.

If that was still the case, there’s no way we would be here right now. Even after cancelling two in-person trainings due to the pandemic, we were still able to pull through, pivot our strategy, and actually thrive (all thanks to YOU!).

For all those who have lost their loved ones and their livelihoods this year, my heart goes out to you.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. And our team at Womben Wellness has got it going ON!

We laughed, cried, danced, shared, and worked together through some of the most challenging, difficult, confusing times. We more than doubled our revenue and had fun while doing it.

To Camille, Kristina, Teril, Aninha, Amanda, and Alex – thank you. From the bottom of my heart, the depths of my womb for your presence on this team. What an honor, privilege, and JOY it is to build this movement with you.

Despite the challenges of this year, our team was able to pivot our attention and focus in a BIG way that produced some serious wins. And YOU (yes, you!) were a major part of that – so in gratitude, let’s celebrate together.

Top Blogs of 2020

I’ve never written so much in my LIFE! This year challenged me to create a method to my madness and organize my thoughts in a clear, concise, and impactful way.

I’m not going to say it wasn’t hard – there were times I wanted to throw away my computer and never type a word again. AND the thought of supporting you in deepening your relationship with your womb had me coming back, again and again.

Tens of thousands of you tuned in to read our blog this year, and here were your top 5 favorites:

My go-to list of books that have radically changed my life and shaped the way I teach, practice, and live. I am a total book NERD, I devour them. If you love a mind-blowing read like I do, then these books to help you reclaim your femininity should definitely be on your list.

Painful periods, irregular cycles, pelvic organ prolapse, bacterial vaginosis, STI healing, or fertility challenges? Yoni steaming can help. This blog will give you the step-by-step instructions as to how to steam, as well as three herbs and various positions you can use to experience this ritual.

One of our most comprehensive posts to date, in this blog I dive into five easy ways to balance your hormones naturally. If you have painful periods, PMS, hormonal acne, fertility challenges, or are looking to conceive – this blog can help you.

Plants are incredible allies on our journey to healing. These are the herbs that get the most results for my clients looking to heal hormonal imbalance, connect with their sensuality, and even boost fertility. Creating a relationship with them can support you, too!

Whether or not you have the physical organ of the uterus, you have a womb. This power center in your body is the portal to the primordial energy that created the Universe, and underlies all that exists in reality. In this blog, I share a 10 minute guided practice for connecting the power of the womb with the love of the heart.


Live Trainings

A week after the crazy Instagram hacking, we welcomed 35 souls from around the world for our Wise Womban Way Transformational Facilitator Training. We laughed, cried, danced, and explored our way through ceremony, ritual, somatic womb work, nervous system healing, and trauma-informed practices for two amazing weeks.

Rather than offer this specific training again, I’ve shifted my attention to offering our most comprehensive, educational, and seriously transformative training yet.

Our Womb Worker Professional Certification combines online + in-person learning. It’s like the University course you WISH existed (and does now).

Spaces will be limited to ensure depth of understanding and quality. Click here to join over one-thousand womben currently on the waitlist.

Despite my deep desire to return to Ireland, the land of my ancestors – COVID-19 had other plans. Before knowing the full extent of the global pandemic, we quickly cancelled our in-person BirthWorker Yoga Teacher Training in Cork to ensure safety for our students.

But don’t fret – this training is coming back in 2021 and it’s going to be better than EVER.

With a freshly updated manual (thanks hours and hours at home) and fresh new birth wisdom to share (thanks baby in my belly), this training will be a serious upleveled version of the old.

This is our smallest, most intimate in-person training we offer. If you’re interested, get on the waitlist and be the first to know about 2021 dates.

Watching our womben embody these teachings and share them in their communities is one of the greatest joys of my life. Everytime I see the way that our students are impacting others, I cry…. Every. Single. Time.

One of our long-term goals here at Womben Wellness is to make womb work more accessible for womben all over the world – and with our graduate directory, we’re doing exactly that! Scroll through a list of Womben Wellness Certified Practitioners in your area to support you on the path of womb work.

Online Offerings

The amount of time our team has spent on Zoom this year is freakin’ ridiculous. Fueled by our passion for this work and devotion to the movement, we’ve got a lot to show for it.

As COVID-19 started to spread quickly throughout the world, we immediately pivoted our attention to the needs of our community. At that time, it seemed like anything was possible (apocalypse, government shutdown, world demise?!) .

We knew our community needed a space to gather, share and continue walking the path of womb healing and awakening. And after two weeks of seriously focused work, our Inner Circle Virtual Monthly Membership was born.

Inner Circle has flourished into a point of grounding, connection, and transformation for myself and hundreds of other womben all around the world.

If you’re ready to see progress in your relationship to your womb, find like minded community, and integrate transformational teachings into your life – there’s still time to join us in Circle.

Filming a brand new course during my first trimester of pregnancy was nuts. But in the end, it was well worth it – as BBB turned out to be a total GAME CHANGER for those who experience PMS, irregular cycles, fertility challenges, PCOS, and endometriosis.

If you’re ready to stop forcing and start flowing with the natural rhythm of your menstrual cycle using embodiment practices, revolutionary lectures, and herbal wisdom – this course is for you.

Check out what past participants have to say…

So much love, time, and energy went into the second edition of our Lunar Living eBook. It’s a wonderful companion for any womban who is curious about the hormonal, emotional, and spiritual changes that take place during the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle. My favorite part about the updated version is the super easy-to-use food lists and recipe options for each phase of your menstrual cycle – now that’s a diet I can get behind!

Click here to download your copy and start reading right away.

Looking back at all we’ve accomplished this year, I am in awe. And I know without a doubt, we couldn’t have done it without you. So thank you, from the bottoms of our hearts and the depths of our wombs! This movement is growing so fast and it will take all of us to midwife this new womb-based reality into existence.

We love you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

You Are More Than Your Productivity

Do you feel the pressure to show up every day and when you miss even the smallest amount of time when you could be working feel overwhelmed with guilt? Know that you aren’t alone - it’s the way we’ve been programmed. But there is another way, let me show you.

5 Reasons You Might Have Pain During Sex

If you're overwhelmed like many of us, I'm sharing bountiful amount of ways that you can care for yourself. It was hard to wade through all the different practices and rituals that have been supportive for me, but each of these practices are so powerful in their own right that I know you’ll be nourished and able to give yourself what you need.

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